Help & Support

The new Cbox

We've recently launched a new version of Cbox with an entirely new interface. By going back to the basics and building a modern UI, we have created a more flexible, accessible platform to support future development.

Some of the things that have been improved in the new Cbox:

  1. Mobile responsiveness. We've enlarged the buttons and done away with popups; overlays keep all functions in the Cbox itself.
  2. Message history. Simply scroll back to load older messages.
  3. Registration and login. It's clearer and quicker to register a name and log in with it.
  4. Avatars. Users can upload pictures from within Cbox. No need to copy-paste URLs.
  5. Themes. The new Cbox supports more fonts and more colour options.
  6. Embedding. The embed code has been simplified to support more platforms.

Migrating to V10

If you already have an older Cbox, you can get the latest version by creating a new Cbox on your account. While it's not possible to transfer your data and settings automatically, we can transfer any paid credit balance if you decide to switch over to your new Cbox: simply contact us to request a transfer.

Last updated 5 June 2017

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