Help & Support

Our help database contains answers to most of the common questions regarding our products.

If you are unable to locate a satisfactory answer for your query by searching here, please contact us.

Search support

I lost my Cbox embed code. Where can I get it?

How do I put my Cbox on my website?

How do change my Cbox's style to go with my site's design?

How do I delete messages?

Can I make my Cbox transparent?

How do I find out who posted in my Cbox?

How do I ban / unban someone?

How do I change my settings?

Formatting messages with boxcode

I can't log in. It says "Invalid username or password"

I forgot my password. What can I do?

How do I close my Cbox account?

I deleted some messages by accident. Can I get them back?

How do I create a Cbox?

Can I have more than one Cbox?

How do I remove the "cbox" or "Get a Cbox" link?

The form part of my Cbox doesn't display. I only see the outline.

How do I move my Cbox to a different part of my page?

How do I change my Cbox's size?

Can I create moderators or administrators?

I am banned on my own Cbox!

My time is wrong. How do I change it?

Is Cbox free?

My form fields have a yellow background!

How can I add emoticons?

Why are there ads?

I banned someone and they are still able to post. What can I do?

How can I upgrade my Cbox?

I didn't get an email I was expecting

Every time I do something in the control panel, I get logged out.

My scroll bar is missing!

What payment methods are available?

My Cbox says it is locked and posting is disabled

How do I disable the ActiveX prompt?

Where can I change my password?

How can I prevent spam and abuse on my Cbox?

How do I change my Quick Link address / account name / login name?

On MyLeague my Cbox doesn't show the "name" box

How do I downgrade my account?

I can't log in to my account but my username is taken

How do I renew my Cbox?

I am seeing an error saying "Private Cbox."

How can I prevent other websites from showing my Cbox?

Can I prevent "Guest" from posting in my Cbox?

How can I post a link or image in my Sticky message?

How do I use avatars?

Can I have more than one Cbox on a page?

Can I configure custom user groups or colors?

How do I ban a user by name?

The Quick Link page has an error saying "Not Found" or "Invalid Quick Link"

I can't hear the sound effect or its volume is too low

Bot users

Filtering names and messages

Private messaging


Does Cbox support HTTPS (SSL/TLS)?

How do I change the "welcome" message?

The new Cbox

User Integration

How do I automate creating channels with the Channel API?

About CSS editing

Can I use HTML in filters and sticky messages?

Using the Cbox webhook

How do I cancel my automatic billing?

Push notifications

What happens when my Cbox goes over its limits?

What is Moderated chat and voice permission?

How do I disable the email/url field?

What are the emoticon / filter limits?

Cbox forgets my name

Why does my online-user count differ from [third-party tracker]'s count?

About Facebook integration

Microphone (beta)

Typing notifications

What happens to my credit when I upgrade or renew early?

Downloading message archives

Ban and kick: what's the difference?

How do I change the Cbox language?

How do I choose a secure password?

Getting error "L-connection" when attempting to post

Cbox not displaying in Firefox 72

How do I delete my data?
